The Best Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Do you have any questions you wished you could ask your doctor but couldn’t? Maybe there was not enough time during the appointment, or maybe you felt uncomfortable broaching a particular topic.
This is the place to ask those questions. No question is stupid. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
As a physician, I cared not only for my patients' health status medically, but I was also interested in knowing about other things they were involved in and affected their lives.
In the same vein, you may ask questions that are not necessarily medically related. We can all learn from the questions asked.
Additionally, it is important for you to be able to talk to your general physician or that of your child about any questions you may have.
Remember, improving and maintaining your care is a collaborative effort between you and your physician. Your aim is to get the best care with the most quality.
It may save your life or that of your child. I encourage you that before every doctor visit, you make a list of all the questions you have or topics you may want to talk about.
What Questions Should You Ask; You May Ask?
I would recommend asking questions relating to:
How you can attain and maintain optimal health
Any medical conditions you may have
Medications you may be on.
Remember you should know the names of your medications, what they are for, and any important side effects.
What Should You Let Your Doctor Know?
Any changes in your medical condition since your last visit
Any side effects to medications that you may be experiencing
Ask about cutting back on your medications if you have maintained and have significant improvement of any medical condition
In short, If you are not given a chance to ask your questions or your questions are not answered satisfactorily consistently, you may want to consider finding another physician to take care of you.
Good bedside manner from your physician and being comfortable talking to your doctor is essential.
I look forward to hearing from you. Ask me anything on your mind. Take care.
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